Today the Dutch Patent Office (Octrooicentrum), part of the Netherlands Enterprise Organization (RVO), announced that one Inicare patent application filed in 2018, has been granted on June 6, 2020. The patent describes a unique method of aquiring and analyzing vital signs data from the wrist. It has resulted from a joint effort by Inicare with staff of the Technical University of Skopje, North Macedonia and PatentPunt, an Eindhoven based IP consultancy firm lead by Rene de Torbal:
“Inicare is showing that innovations should be taken seriously. Their patented technology is a great example of this principle”.
Maarten Meelkop, Inicare Managing Director, adds:”
This is another important step towards our goal of reducing hospital staff workload by enabling automated vital signs monitoring of patients in low aquity wards or at home. Our patent will increase the foundation of which our smart monitoring solutions are built on”.
About Inicare
Inicare, founded in Eindhoven in 2018, is an innovative provider of smart monitoring solutions that seek to advance patient care. Inicare solutions facilitate the automated and continuous vital signs monitoring of patients in general wards in the clinic or at home.